After delivering back-to-back duds, Naga Chaitanya is not in a hurry. He has dedicated a year to Thandel and the film releases next month. Naga Chaitanya is committed to Virupaksha fame Karthik Varma Dandu and the film is said to be a mystic thriller. The team has been on a hunt for the lead antagonist. As per the exclusive update we have, Bollywood actor Sparsh Shrivastava has been roped in as the lead antagonist. Sparsh Shrivastava gained popularity with the tv serial Balika Vadhu and he went on to films like Laapataa Ladies.
A look test on Sparsh Shrivastava will be conducted very soon. The role of the antagonist will be quite different and the team has been on a hunt for the right actor. Sree Leela or Meenakshi Chaudhary will be seen as the lead actress and things will be finalized very soon. Vrushakarma is the title considered for this interesting attempt. Ajaneesh Loknath will score the music and BVSN Prasad, Sukumar Writings are the producers. Vrushakarma will release this year and the regular shoot of the film will commence after the release of Thandel.