Vijay Deverakonda is completely focused on Gowtam Tinnanuri’s project. The shoot is in the final stages and it is expected to hit the screens very soon. Vijay Deverakonda is committed to Rahul Sankrityan for a film and the pre-production work is happening at a fast pace. Rahul is finalizing the actors and technicians for the film. As per the latest update, Bollywood music composers duo Ajay – Atul are on board to compose the music and background score for this untitled film. Ajay – Atul worked for Prabhas’ Adipurush in the past.
The film is said to be a periodic drama and it takes place between 1854 and 1878 in the Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh. Made on a record budget, the film will have a pan-Indian release next year and it is produced by Mythri Movie Makers. Rashmika is rumored to play the leading lady in this untitled periodic drama. Vijay Deverakonda sports a never seen look in this film.