Brahma Anandam is an upcoming Indian film that marks a significant collaboration between renowned actor and comedian Brahmanandam and his son, Raja Goutham. This unique entertainer is directed by debutant Rvs Nikhil and produced by successful producer Rahul Yadav Nakka. Brahma Anandam is set to release for a grand release soon. Today, makers began the musical promotions with a melodious first single titled ‘Anandamaaye.’ This melody composed by Sandilya Pisapati and beautiful lyrics penned by Sri Sai Kiran.
The song is brilliantly sung by Manisha Eerabathini and Yashwanth Nag. It is a heartwarming love song, where the heroine expresses her love for the hero, while the hero sings about his struggle and his need for money. The song showcases the beautiful chemistry between Raja and Priya Vadlamani. They are two individuals with different personalities with contrasting opinions, adding depth to their characters. With its catchy tune and beautiful lyrics, the song is sure to resonate with listeners.
The film also features Vennela Kishore in a full-length role, along with Sampath Raj and Rajeev Kanakala in key roles. The film also stars Priya Vadlamani and Aishwarya Holakkal in lead roles. More details will be announced soon.