The Sandhya theatre stampede incident created a sensation after a woman Revathi passed away. A case has been registered against Allu Arjun and the theatre management of Sandhya theatre. Allu Arjun has approached the Telangana High Court to get a relief from the case and the investigation is on. In a shocking incident, Allu Arjun has been arrested from his Jubilee Hills residence and he is taken to Chikkadapally police station. The video of Allu Arjun’s arrest is now going viral all over.
The Telangana government took the incident seriously and the government announced that there would be no premiere shows in the future. The cops are furious as there was no prior information given to them about Allu Arjun’s presence for the premiere show. The cops could not control the situation and a stampede took place resulting in the death of Revathi. Reports say that Allu Arjun will be produced in the court today.