Hyderabad Police arrested Huzurabad MLA Padi Kaushik Reddy from his residence in Kondapur on Thursday. The arrest came after a complaint from Banjara Hills CI about interference with police duties. Dramatic scenes unfolded at Kaushik Reddy’s residence during the arrest. BRS MLA Harish Rao, who attempted to visit Kaushik Reddy, was stopped by police. When Harish Rao tried to enter the residence, police took him into custody and shifted him to Gachibowli Police Station.
Tensions escalated as several prominent BRS leaders including Former Minister Jagadish Reddy, MLA Palla Rajeshwar Reddy, MLA Kotta Prabhakar Reddy, MLC Shambhipur Raju, and Leader Rakesh Reddy rushed to Kaushik Reddy’s house. Police blocked these leaders from entering the premises and subsequently arrested them. Some BRS party workers who attempted to climb the compound wall were also detained by the authorities. Heavy police forces have been deployed around Kaushik Reddy’s residence to maintain law and order.
Kaushik Reddy is being transferred to Gachibowli Police Station for further investigation. The incident has sparked significant political tension in the region, with BRS party members gathering near the police station in protest.