Arun Vijay, known to the film industry as Tamil actor Vijay Kumar’s son is making his debut as a villain in Bruce Lee. He is also making his debut in Kannada films with Punit Rajkumar’s son’s film. He says, “I love Telugu industry, people are here very passionate about films, I see how they worship their actors, it doesn’t happen in Chennai. In Chennai they encourage new scripts but that’s about it. Here they celebrate cinema, I keep a track of Telugu films. My sister lives here, whenever I come here and watch a film, the atmosphere here in the theatre on a week day is electric. There in Hyderabad people wait for the film to release and debate, discuss a long time even after a long time. Bruce Lee has great combination and producer who spends so much to maintain quality. The team was so disciplined, everyone knew what they were doing. It is a powerful role and I think I pulled it off well. Bruce Lee is a sure shot successful film, I am honoured to be in a film where Chiranjeevi is playing a cameo.”
NabhaNatesh Coolie Disco Performance