Bellamkonda Sai Sreenivas is starring in an intriguing mystical thriller, BSS12, centered around a 400-year-old dasavatara temple. Directed by debutant Ludheer Byreddy, the film promises a captivating narrative and a high-octane adventure. To celebrate Bellamkonda’s birthday, the makers have unveiled a striking new image from the movie.
In the character poster, Bellamkonda showcases his adventurous side, taking on a daring act that adds to the thrilling nature of the film. He is seen riding a bike on top of a hill, and this hints that this image is from a crucial sequence in the movie. What captures our attention is the shape of Lord Vishnu’s Namalu on the hill, which is set ablaze.
Alongside him is Samyuktha, who will be seen in the role of an archaeologist. Produced by Mahesh Chandu under Moonshine Pictures and presented by Shiven Ramakrishna, BSS12 is the most expensive project of Bellamkonda’s career and features music by Leon James and cinematography by Shivendra.