Former Finance Minister Buggana Rajendranath Reddy pulled up TDP-BJP-Janasena alliance Government-led by Chandrababu Naidu on the rising debt burden. In a long press conference held on Sunday in Hyderabad, Rajendranath Reddy alleged that Chandrababu Govt has made a whopping Rs 1,12,750 Cr within seven months of assuming power in Andhra Pradesh.
Mocking TDP-led alliance Government, Buggana fired saying CM Chandrababu is focusing more on releasing vision documents rather than implementing promises made in the manifesto during elections.
“TDP, it’s allies and media outlets favoring them made a hue and cry during YSRCP tenure regarding debts. They even went to the extent of publicizing that soon AP will turn into Srilanka due to debts. But why are they not expressing the same concerns now? Within seven months of assuming power, Chandrababu Govt has made close to Rs 1,12,750 Cr debt. This is a record and no match to the debts taken by YSRCP Govt,” said former FM Buggana Rajendranath Reddy.
“In fact Chandrababu Naidu Govt is the only Govt in history, which took Rs 5,000 Cr loan on a single day. Why is no one talking about it?” questioned senior YSRCP leader launching a tirade on Chandrababu-led alliance Government.
Buggana made a detailed presentation about the debts taken by Chandrababu Govt and pointed put that while there was growth of 11 percent per annum in debts during YS Jagan’s tenure, now it has rose to more than 20 percent in Chandrababu Naidu’s tenure.
Buggana also came down heavily on Chandrababu Naidu Sarkar, for dillydallying in the name of vision documents instead of fulfilling promises made in the election manifesto.