Ravi Teja was once one of the most bankable actors of Telugu cinema. He delivered back-to-back duds and Ravi Teja is quite strict on his remuneration. The veteran actor is demanding Rs 20 crore plus remuneration and a share in the profits. The makers of Ravanasura, Tiger Nageswara Rao, Eagle and Mr Bachchan lost big after the films ended up as debacles. Sithara Entertainment is producing Ravi Teja’s 75th film titled Mass Jathara and the film is due for release. Ravi Teja generally lines up two new films before completing his current project.
Ravi Teja has been in talks for new films but nothing has been finalized. This is because no top production house is ready to pay such a huge remuneration for the actor. His non-theatrical market has seen a significant decline and offering Rs 20 crores to Ravi Teja and spending lavishly on the film will be a risky attempt. Ravi Teja has finalized a couple of scripts and he is waiting for a promising producer who is ready to pay him a big remuneration. He is keen on his pay and the producers are waiting if he will cut down his remuneration considering the businesses done for his recent films. If he is not ready to slash down his fee, Ravi Teja will have to wait for a longer time to find a passionate producer for his next.