Mega Powerstar Ram Charan has commenced the shoot of his next film directed by Buchi Babu. The film is a sports drama and is planned on a huge budget. A special set was constructed in Mysore and the first schedule of the film was wrapped up. A village set is constructed in Hyderabad and a major portion of the shoot will happen in this set. A Bollywood actor will have a crucial role to be played in the film and the team is on a hunt for the right actor. The team is considering Salman Khan for the special role in the film.
Ram Charan and Salman Khan share a great bonding. Salman Khan also played an important role in Chiranjeevi’s God Father without charging a penny. Chiranjeevi hosts Salman Khan when he is in Hyderabad. Now, the team is in plans to rope Salman Khan for the role. The team will finalize soon and the announcement is expected to be made for Sankranthi 2025. Peddi is the title considered for the film. Janhvi Kapoor is the leading lady and Shiva Rajkumar, Jagapathi Babu will be seen in other important roles. AR Rahman is scoring the music and Vriddhi Cinemas, Mythri Movie Makers and Sukumar Writings are the producers of this pan-Indian attempt.