Natural Star Nani is shooting for HIT 3 and the film is announced for May 1st release this year. He plays the role of a ruthless cop Arjun Sarkar in the film. Sailesh Kolanu is the director and the shoot is happening in Hyderabad. As per the update, the lead actor for HIT 4 has been finalized recently. A Tollywood star actor will be seen in a cameo in the climax of HIT 3 and he will take over the lead in HIT 4. Nani will not be seen in HIT 4. Sailesh has narrated the basic plot sometime ago and got the approval from Nani and the actor.
For now, the news has been kept under wraps and it would be announced at the right time. Srinidhi Shetty is the heroine and Nani’s Wall Poster Cinema are the producers. Mickey J Meyer is the music composer for HIT 3. A major portion of the shoot has taken place in Kashmir, Shimla and Manali. The shoot of HIT 3 is expected to be concluded by March and Nani will take up The Paradise to be directed by Dasara fame Srikanth Odela from April this year.