Young actor Raj Tarun who delivered a series of hits has failed to repeat the magic. The actor managed to release three films in the last two months and all of them ended up as debacles. He had high hopes on Bhale Unnade and the film released yesterday. Successful director Maruthi wrote the story for the film. Raj Tarun sounded very confident on the film. But Bhale Unnade failed to register decent openings. Several shows across AP and Telangana were cancelled due to the lack of audience on the first day of the film’s release. The film will struggle to recover the digital expenses spent on the theatrical release.

This never happened for Raj Tarun’s past films. Bhale Unnade is the biggest ever flop for the actor and it is a shock for Raj Tarun. His personal life too has been in trouble and the legal hurdles have been leaving Raj Tarun worried. His issue with his ex-girlfriend Lavanya is now made public and this also impacted Raj Tarun on a professional front. For now, Raj Tarun hasn’t signed any new films. He needs to make a strong comeback or else he will vanish.

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