Icon Star Allu Arjun along with his family paid his visit to Sandhya theatre in RTC Crossroads in Hyderabad last night to watch the first premiere show of Pushpa 2: The Rule. The situation was uncontrollable because of the massive crowds and the cops started a lathi charge. A stampede took place because of this and a family was severely injured and one among them passed away. A case was filed against Allu Arjun along with the management of Sandhya theatre under Sections 118 and 105 of BNS Act. The theatre management was not conscious about the security measures that should be taken when a star like Allu Arjun was on his way for the premiere.
The cops also registered a case against Allu Arjun and his team for not informing prior about the actor’s presence for the special premiere show. The makers assured that all the support will be given for the family that was impacted because of the stampede. Allu Arjun’s team too is in touch with the family members and assured them of all the medication at the needed time. Pushpa 2: The Rule opened on a super strong note and the word of mouth is extremely positive. Sukumar is the director of this mass entertainer and Mythri Movie Makers are the producers.