Finally, rebellious MP Raghu Rama Raju’s mission is accomplished. His petition for cancelling the bail of Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy was admitted for hearing by the Special Court for the CBI and ED cases today. Rajugaru has been trying for the admission of his petition for over five weeks. Due to technical issues, his petition could not be taken up for hearing in the court in the beginning.
The court heard arguments on the admissibility of the MP’s petition today. Raghu Rama’s advocates have put out their arguments saying that the Chief Minister is the prime accused in not one or two cases but nearly 11 cases. There were charges levelled by the CBI and the ED against the CM for a fraud of over Rs. 43,000 Cr illegal assets.
RRR has warned the Jagan Reddy loyalists several times in the past that he would not keep silent if they continued their abusive and uncultured attacks on him. The MP has finally proved what he meant.
With the admission of his petition now, the CBI court would now begin detailed hearings on whether Jagan Reddy’s bail should be cancelled or not. The rivals would be able to make forceful arguments for cancellation of the bail considering the fact that the CM was indeed the accused number 1 in over 11 cases probed by the CBI and the ED.