“Did Narendra Modi as Gujarat Chief Minister give credit to the then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in Advertisements?” asked Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu on Sunday. BJP leaders of AP critiqued TDP government for failing to put Modi’s picture on the posters of the programs being done by with the side of Central government. Naidu deplored the comments of the BJP leaders and noted that for his stature he need not do such things. “Even if the leaders of the state complain to the national leaders, the central government should understand the sincerity in such things”. He asked, “For how many central government programs did Modi print Singh’s picture?” Naidu noted that such comments are meaningless and should be condemned and reverted strongly.

Meanwhile, he told Eenadu that it is responsibility of central government to protect the weaker child. Comparing Telangana and Andhra Pradesh to Siamese twins, Naidu said, “When Siamese twins are separated by a surgery, it is the responsibility of Centre to keep the weaker twin in incubator and protect it. Till the malnourished twin becomes strong, it is the responsibility of those who separated the twin tokeep giving nutritious diet”.

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