Veteran Tollywood actor Chalapathi Rao garu passed away recently leaving the whole film fraternity in shock. He suffered a massive heart attack and passed away during the early hours of Sunday. With his daughter staying in USA, the mortal remains are preserved for two days. The last rites of the 78-year-old actor will take place tomorrow morning in Film Nagar’s Mahaprasthanam. Several Tollywood celebrities offered their condolences and Chalapathi Rao’s son Ravi Babu also interacted with the media a day after his demise. Chalapathi Rao worked in more than 1200 films in his career. His son Ravi Babu is an actor and a director in Tollywood. After the demise of Krishnam Raju and Krishna, Chalapathi Rao’s demise came as a new shock for Telugu cinema.
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