Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu went to New Delhi on Saturday and met key leaders like Arvind Kejriwal, Sharad Yadav and Mayawati. People opine, CBN is playing key role in garnering support against BJP ahead of the 2019 Lok Sabha elections.

However, it seems CBN’s move is aimed at not Lok Sabha elections but at upcoming 4 state elections. As everyone knows, Mayawati has following among voters of scheduled castes across the country. If she allies with Congress, usually SC votes will polarize towards that alliance and help consolidate the vote bank. But as of now Mayawati is not allying with Congress in 4 states elections. Some politicians commented that she had colluded with BJP and thats why she is not joining Congress alliance and there by help split SC votes.

Now Chandrababu met Mayawati and national media is keenly watching the consequences. Some analysts pointing that Chandra Babu might have requested Maya to team up with Congress and help BJP in these 4 state elections. We will have to wait and see whether CBN’s meet has really influenced Mayawati or not.

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