AP Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu, during his second day of the Kuppam tour, launched the ‘Jananayakudu’ portal and service center at the TDP office. The portal will help locals register their grievances and issues online, ensuring quick resolutions. CM Naidu personally interacted with residents and party workers, addressing their concerns and issuing on-the-spot directives to officials for immediate action.
Chandrababu Naidu emphasized that Kuppam has always supported TDP and vowed to fulfill all promises made during elections. He stated, “Kuppam has elected me eight times, and I have a lot to do for this constituency.” He stressed the importance of entering politics with the intention to serve society, not for personal gain, and urged leaders to work with honesty and integrity.
During his visit, the CM laid the foundation for several development projects, including a Mother Dairy unit, a sports complex, and an Integrated Command Control Center. He also highlighted the benefits of the Banakacherla project for Rayalaseema and assured that Anantapur district would no longer be called a drought-prone area once water supply is ensured.
The government plans to install solar panels on 20 lakh houses across the state and promote natural farming to boost farmers’ income. CM Naidu aims to transform Kuppam into a model constituency by 2047, focusing on job creation and increasing income opportunities for all.
“Our goal is to provide jobs and increase income for everyone. Politics should be about serving people, not making money. We are committed to fulfilling our promises and ensuring justice for all,” said Nara Chandrababu Naidu.
The visit concluded with meetings with company representatives and participation in agreements with IIT Kanpur and Mahila Shakti Bhavan.