JC Prabhakar Reddy, who is known for stirring up controversies, has once again created a controversy by calling actress-turned-politician Madhavi Latha ‘prostitute’. JC also attacked BJP, alleging that saffron party is behind burning of buses belonging to JC family.
Being an emotional person, JC Prabhakar Reddy, has been never cautious with his words. Due to his unfiltered talk and angry outbursts, he made many enemies. But calling an actress ‘prostitute’ is definitely a big ‘no’, whatever may be the circumstances.
Madhavi Latha had made an appeal to all the women to be safe on the occasion of new year celebrations and in one message she had stressed about the party conducted by JC Prabhakar Reddy. There is nothing wrong or demeaning in Madhavi Latha’s message.
If JC Prabhakar Reddy had sensed any mistake or hurtful comments in Madhavi Latha’s words, then he can certianly take a legal route to file a case or condemn it in proper language. But calling an actress and a politician in a derogatory way is completely unacceptable.
In fact, If AP Women’s Commission really has teeth, then it can take suo moto cognizance of JC’s words and initiate action. But as JC Prabhakar Reddy hails from a powerful family it is unlikely. The irony is even AP Home Minister is a woman. But even she cannot act, keeping in view the background of JC Prabhakar Reddy.
Leave about action, no one from ruling TDP dared to make a comment in this issue. Only, BJP, which is part of TDP alliance Govt admonished JC.
But it is high time CM Chandrababu Naidu intervenes and warns JC Prabhakar Reddy to avoid such irresponsible and disgusting language in the future. Because these type of cheap outbursts from JC Prabhakar Reddy will show TDP Government in poorlight.