AP CM Nara Chandrababu Naidu made interesting comments in the chit chat held with media persons on the occasion of New Year 2025. Firing on former CM YS Jaganmohan Reddy for devastating AP, CM Chandrababu revealed how he is rebuilding the state. In the process, he made several interesting comments on important current issues.
“YS Jaganmohan Reddy had completely destroyed AP. People and official machinery have faced unprecedented bitter experiences in YSRCP. Even I’m shocked by the misrule of YSRCP. YS Jagan had destroyed all the institutions. This is the fourth term of my CM. I’m completely rehauling the administration system and getting AP back on track,” said CM Chandrababu Naidu.
“After six months of our rule, AP people have got new hopes. We are working hard to fulfil their hopes. We are bringing investments and started rebuilding Amaravati. We are also focusing on welfare and social engineering. I have chosen a BC officer as Chief Secretary. Even our party president and Union Minister belong to BCs,” said Chandrababu Naidu stressing on his social engineering efforts.
Chandrababu Naidu also made interesting comments on defections. He said that YSRCP leaders are shifting loyalties to TDP, BJP and Janasena parties only for protection.
AP CM Chandrababu pointed out that he is tracking the YSRCP leaders, who have harassed TDP cadres during YS Jagan’s tenure and shifting loyalties now to get shelter, in an apparent warning.
When media personnel questioned about the recent developments in Telugu Film Industry, AP CM Chandrababu Naidu said that there is no need to worry about it now, as Tollywood is well settled in Hyderabad right and growing globally, with even overseas revenues rising.