Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu has unveiled the ‘Golden Kuppam Vision 2029’ document during his two-day visit to the Kuppam constituency. The document was released at the Dravid University auditorium, outlining plans to transform Kuppam into a model constituency for the entire country.
During his visit, CM Chandrababu laid the foundation stone and inaugurated several development projects. He announced that the P4 strategy, aimed at eradicating poverty, will be implemented in Kuppam, setting an example for the nation. He also revealed plans to bring Handriniva waters to the Palaru stream by June and construct a check dam on it.
Highlighting his past achievements, Chandrababu Naidu mentioned how the development initiatives he spearheaded in Hyderabad during his tenure are now yielding results. He criticized the previous YSRCP government, stating that Andhra Pradesh’s growth rate dropped by 4% during their rule, leaving the state burdened with debt.
Water Security: Chandrababu Naidu emphasized the importance of water conservation. He assured that steps will be taken to store groundwater up to 8 meters before the monsoon and utilize rainwater effectively. Currently, 73% of reservoirs have sufficient water storage.
Employment and Investments: Chandrababu promised to bring investments to Kuppam, generate employment, and ensure annual development plans are executed efficiently.
Agriculture and Solar Power:The government will provide farmers with agricultural machinery and promote solar power generation to reduce electricity bills.
Clean Kuppam Initiative: Efforts will be made to improve sanitation and hygiene under the ‘Clean Kuppam’ campaign.
Nara Chandrababu Naidu expressed gratitude to the people of Kuppam for their unwavering support and assured them that all land-related issues would be resolved fairly. He reiterated his commitment to making Kuppam a shining example of development by 2029.