Chandrababu Sarkar has brought cheers to lakhs of families in Andhra Pradesh on the occasion of Sankranti, by clearing pending bills worth Rs 6,700 Cr. Most of the pending bills are relating to dues to employees, students, small contractors and small businesses.
Finance Minister Payyavula Keshavalu announced about pending bills clearance, after doing a review meeting with AP CM Chandrababu Naidu in Amaravati on Saturday.
Among the cleared pending bills employees, small contractors and students are the biggest beneficiaries.
Rs 788 Cr fees reimbursement dues have been cleared, bringing much needed relief to students and college managements.
Rs 586 Cr dues towards small contractors have been cleared. With this, about 26,000 contractors, who have pending dues of less than Rs 10 lakh bill amount, will be relieved.
GPF dues of Rs 519 Cr and CPS arrears of Rs 300 Cr have been cleared, making Govt employees happy. Pending bills of Rs 214 Cr relating to Police Surrender Leaves have also been cleared.
Rs 214 Cr will be disbursed towards Amaravati farmers dues. Rs 500 Cr will be paid towards NTR Vaidya Seva pending bills.
By clearing large numbers of pending bills, impacting across sections, Chandrababu Naidu Government has made Sankranti even more cheerful.