AP Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu has directed all government departments to embrace technology for delivering enhanced public services. During a crucial review meeting with Real Time Governance Society (RTGS) officials at the Secretariat, he emphasized the importance of providing better services in less time through digital innovation.
The government is launching a groundbreaking WhatsApp based system to issue various citizen certificates, including caste and income documentation. This digital transformation will incorporate Artificial Intelligence and deep tech solutions to handle public grievances more efficiently. The initiative also includes innovative use of drone technology to monitor crop diseases and identify accident-prone areas on roads across the state.
Officials reported significant progress in digital mapping, with 95% completion of household geo-tagging throughout the state. To further strengthen digital infrastructure, the Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu has approved Rs 20 crore for acquiring 1,000 new Aadhar kits, making Aadhar services more accessible to citizens.
A major component of this digital revolution is the development of a unified portal to monitor government projects exceeding Rs 100 crore. This comprehensive platform will track 80 central government projects in real-time and integrate RTGS monitoring of grievance resolution and public satisfaction levels. Additionally, a new web portal for birth and death certificates is scheduled to launch on January 1st next year.
The Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu’s vision extends beyond mere digitization. By combining WhatsApp-based service delivery, AI-powered grievance handling, and drone surveillance, the government aims to establish a robust digital ecosystem that transforms traditional governance into an efficient, citizen-centric digital framework. This comprehensive approach ensures faster service delivery while maintaining quality and accessibility for all citizens.