Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy has carried out an aerial survey of the Nivar cyclone affected areas in the State today. He left Gannavaram airport and landed at Renigunta airport in the morning. He was received by Deputy Chief Minister Narayana Swamy, Minister Peddireddy Ramachandra Reddy, MLA Chevireddy Bhasker Reddy, MLA RK Roja and others.
From Renigunta airport, the Chief Minister went on an aerial survey of the flood hit areas in the Kadapa, Chittoor and Nellore districts. It may be recalled the Nivar cyclone has devastated and submerged crops in a wide extent of land in Rayalaseema and Nellore districts.
After completing the aerial survey, the CM held a review of the cyclone damages with the Ministers and the officials of the three cyclone hit districts in the Reginunta airport. The officials explained to the CM and showed the cyclone damages at a photo exhibition on the occasion. As the CM visited Chittoor district after a long time, lots of the ruling party leaders arrived there to greet him. In addition to the crops, the cyclone has also ravaged houses and colonies in some low lying areas in the region.
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