Day by day, the political confusion is deepening in Andhra Pradesh. Average common man is perplexed and confused as to which parties are allies and which are enemies. The ruling YCP totally targets the TDP but does not speak a word against the BJP. Even the main Opposition TDP does not criticise the BJP much. Whereas, the BJP fully targets the main Opposition while partially and selectively criticising the ruling YCP. The Jana Sena’s policy is not clearly known and its identity as an independent political party has become questionable ever since its hurried alliance with the BJP.
While the overall political situation is so volatile, BJP AP President Veerraju now says that CM Jaganmohan Reddy and Ex CM Chandrababu were co-robbers. Both the YCP and the TDP were causing harm to the State by pursuing their selfish political interests. Only the BJP would be able to give a better rule for the AP people.
Doubtless to say, the Modi Government is taking all the help of the YCP and the TDP MPs at the national level for passing its bills in the Parliament but it is not fulfilling Reorganisation promises like Special Status. The BJP got less than 1 per cent vote share in 2019 but still it is trying to dominate the AP political scene taking advantage of the YCP, TDP and Jana Sena weaknesses.
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