Telangana Congress launched novel Eno campaign, hitting back at Opposition BRS on Friday. Saying that BRS leaders are unable to digest the achievements of Revanth Reddy Sarkar, Congress leaders came up with ‘Eno’ campaign.
Firebrand MLC Venkat Balmoor was the first to highlight the ‘Eno’ campaign, coming down heavily on BRS top leaders KCR and KTR.
“CM Revanth Reddy-led Telangana delegation has brought about Rs 1,78,950 Cr investments from Davos. CM Revanth Reddy and IT and Industries Minister Sridhar Babu have took personal interest in promoting Telangana and attracting investors. This is quite contrast to BRS regime. While CM Revanth Reddy brought investments to Telangana, KTR used Davos for personal gains,” said young MLC Venkat Balmoor.
“Leave about going to Davos, KCR did not even have time to visit Secretariat. As Revanth Reddy became successful in attracting huge investments from Davos, KCR and KTR are unable to digest the fact. Therefore KTR is speaking non sense and spreading fake propaganda. As BRS leaders are suffering with acidity, they are unable to digest the development done by CM Revanth Reddy. We pity them. To set right BRS leaders digestive system, we are sending Eno packets to KCR and BRS leaders,” further said Balmoor Venkat.
Balmoori Venkat has personally couriered Eno packet to former CM KCR. He appealed to Congress cadres across the state to present Eno packets to BRS leaders, mounting a novel campaign in Telangana politics.