Former minister Kodali Nani’s key associate, Merugumala Kali, has been remanded to judicial custody in connection with an attack on the TDP office in Gudivada. Kali, who serves as the Krishna district YSRCP youth wing president, was presented before the Gudivada Additional Judicial First Class Magistrate Court following medical examination at the government hospital.
The court ordered Kali’s remand until the 10th of this month, after which police transferred him to Nellore Central Jail. The case stems from a December 25, 2022 incident where Kali and his followers allegedly attacked the TDP office and party leader Ravi Venkateswarrao with petrol packets.
Despite complaints filed at the time, arrests were delayed while YS Jagan Mohan in power. Police even filed counter cases against TDP leaders. However, after the alliance government came to power, investigators reviewed video evidence and added attempted murder charges to the case.
Police recently arrested thirteen suspects, including ten individuals detained simultaneously on December 4. Kali, the primary accused, was arrested Tuesday in Assam, where he had been running a fish business. Following his arrest and medical examination, the court ordered his judicial custody.
The case has taken a significant turn as the arrested suspects reportedly revealed during police custody that they acted on former YSRCP minister Kodali Nani’s instructions. Sources indicate that if these claims are substantiated, Kodali Nani might also face arrest in connection with the case.