CR demands Naidu to make all Amaravati files public


Opposition leader in Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council C. Ramachandraiah demanded the TDP government that all the files related to the GOs that concern the construction of capital city Amaravati be placed before the Council. He said Congress would press for this in the Council when it meets for winter session later this month. People had the right know what was happening in the construction of so called “people’s capital”, he said.

” The entire capital business is being looked after by chief minister Chandrababu Naidu alone. Mystery shrouds all decisions of CRDA. Even the cabinet ministers are kept in dark,” Ramachandraiah alleged.Stating that people were losing confidence in Naidu’s ability to construct the capital, Ramachandraiah asked the CM to make public his strategy for the mobilization of funds of Rs 27,000 crore estimated to be the cost for the construction of the capital.

“How do you want to collect this huge amount ? Who is going to bear this burden? When do you give the residential plots to the farmers who lost lands in the land-pooling for capital, and where? Without placing these details before the people, the CM is playing hide and seek game with tall claims and false promises,” Ramachandraiah said suggesting the government to follow transparent methods in the building the capital.

Meanwhile former minister Dr S Sailajanath said CM was hoodwinking the people on the Singapore participation in the Capital construction. Suspecting a massive scam in the whole project, Sailajanath said the​ fact ​that ​about 500 GOs related to CRDA had been kept out of bounds for citizens of the state speaks volumes of dubious activities going on in the CRDA.

“First the CM said Singapore came to forward to build the capital. Behind this ​’​Singapore talk​’​ Naidu began consultations with Singapore companies in his numerous visits to the city state. Now, for inexplicable reasons Naidu says the companies ​were ​demanding more land. There is lot of inconsistency in his statement. Congress demands making all the files, tour details and minutes of his talks with Singapore government in Singapore and Andhra Pradesh public,” he ​said​.

Citing the statement of union government that the centre had released about Rs 1800 crore to the construction of capital, the former minister demanded the government that all expenditure details of this amount should be made available in the public domain.

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