Young Tiger NTR will soon join hands with KGF sensation Prashanth Neel and the shoot of the film commences this month. The entire pre-production work has been wrapped up and Prashanth Neel is all set to start shooting for the project. Kannada beauty Rukmini Vasanth has been roped in as the leading lady in this untitled film. We have some exclusive information about the casting of the film. Critically acclaimed actors Tovino Thomas and Biju Menon have been roped in to play important roles in this high voltage actioner.
NTR is expected to join the sets of the film this month. The core technical team of KGF and Salaar will work for this film. Dragon is the title considered for the film and an official announcement will be made soon. Mythri Movie Makers and NTR Arts are the producers of the film. NTR is currently completing the shoot of War 2 along with Hrithik Roshan and Kiara Advani. The film releases in August 2025.