Abbayitho Ammayi audio release venue has been shifted to Shilpakala Vedika. The audio release function is slated to be held on Sunday. Ilayaraja is expected to be the chief guest. This film is directed by Ramesh Verma who is currently on a low. His earlier film with Ravi Teja, Veera starring tapsee Pannu was a disaster. Even Naga Shourya hasn’t had a decent hit till date. New comer Palak Lalwani plays Naga Shourya’s love interest. It is a very today kind of movie that deals with social media and romance. Immediately after this release Naga Shourya’s film with Malavika Nair and directed by Nandini Reddy is slated for release. Both the films need to do well for the teams as even Nandini Reddy has delivered a box office dud with Jabardasth. Damodar Prasad, on the other hand faced a flop Hora Hori directed by Teja.
NabhaNatesh Coolie Disco Performance