Ram Charan’s upcoming movie Game Changer is slated for a wide release across the globe on January 10th. Shankar is the director and Dil Raju is the producer. Last night, Dil Raju confirmed that Powerstar Pawan Kalyan will attend the pre-release event of Game Changer as Guest. He met Pawan Kalyan today in his Amaravati Camp Office and invited him for the event. The grand pre-release event of Game Changer will take place on January 4th in Rajahmundry. The trailer of Game Changer too will be unveiled during the pre-release event.
There are also speculations that Megastar Chiranjeevi too may attend the pre-release event of the film. Mega fans are expected to witness Chiranjeevi, Pawan Kalyan and Ram Charan on the same stage after years. Game Changer is carrying good expectations and all eyes are focused on the trailer of the film. Kiara Advani is the leading lady and Thaman scored the music. SJ Suryah, Anjali, Sunil, Jayaram and Srikanth will have crucial roles in Game Changer.