Nandamuri Balakrishna’s upcoming film Daaku Maharaaj is slated for January 12th release. Bobby Kolli is the director and Sithara Entertainments are the producers. A grand pre-release event of the film happened in Dallas and the trailer of the film was unveiled during the event. The trailer looks different and Balakrishna was presented in different shades. The team unveiled the trailer keeping the real conflict under wraps. This may be the first trailer of Balakrishna without a single powerful dialogue from the actor. The trailer cut is impressive and full marks for the background score of Thaman.
The makers have spent lavishly and there are rumors that Balakrishna will be seen in a dual role. Daaku Maharaaj trailer hints of a mass feast during the Sankranthi season. Urvashi Rautela, Shraddha Srinath and Pragya Jaiswal will be seen in other important roles and Bobby Deol is the lead antagonist. Daaku Maharaaj seems like a typical Balayya Sankranthi mass feast. Daaku Maharaaj will compete with Ram Charan’s Game Changer and Venkatesh’s Sankranthiki Vastunnam at the Sankranthi box-office.