Nandamuri Balakrishna’s upcoming movie Dalai Maharaaj is hitting the screens during Sankranthi. A grand pre-release event ofDaaku Maharaaj is planned to take place in Anantapur. AP Minister Nara Lokesh has been the Special Guest for the event. In an unfortunate incident, a stampede took place in Tirupati and six people passed away. The team of Daaku Maharaaj has canceled the pre-release event of Daku Maharaaj after the unfortunate incident. The team may plan a media interaction in Hyderabad in the next couple of days.
Daaku Maharaaj is a mass entertainer packed with action and it is directed by Bobby Kolli. Urvashi Rautela, Shraddha Srinath and Pragya Jaiswal are the heroines and Bobby Deol is the lead antagonist. Sithara Entertainments are the producers and Thaman is the music composer.