Nandamuri Balakrishna’s most anticipated film “Daaku Maharaaj” releasing on January 12, 2025 for Sankranthi. Suryadevara Nagavamsi and Sai Soujanya bankrolled Daaku Maharaaj under Sithara Entertainments and Fortune Four Cinemas, respectively. A special byte from the team is going viral on social media. The video takes viewers inside Thaman’s studio, where director Bobby joins him as he works on a high-energy score for Daaku Maharaaj.
The BGM promises an electrifying experience for fans and audiences, making this Sankranthi more special. Together, Bobby and Thaman are planning to create the ultimate mass spectacle with kickass score on big screen, raising the excitement and expectations to new heights. Thaman also reveals that each scene from the film inspires him to create even better music. With all the high-energy elements, anticipation for the film is at an all-time high.
The film also stars Shraddha Srinath, Pragya Jaiswal, Urvashi Rautela, Makarand Deshpande, Shine Tom Chacko, and others in key roles, promising a high-stakes action drama. Only 3 days to go witness the action thriller on big screen.
This Sankranthi will be resounding 🔥🔥@DirBobby and @MusicThaman are on a mission to deliver the BIGGEST BLAST on the big screens ❤️🔥❤️🔥#DaakuMaharaaj tho theatre-lu daddarilluthayi 💥💥
𝑮𝑶𝑫 𝑶𝑭 𝑴𝑨𝑺𝑺𝑬𝑺 #NandamuriBalakrishna @thedeol @Vamsi84 @ItsMePragya…
— Sithara Entertainments (@SitharaEnts) January 9, 2025