Recently Akkineni youngster Naga Chaitanya got married to actress Sobhita and the duo got married in Annapurna Studios in the presence of family members and limited guests. Soon, Chaitanya’s younger brother Akhil Akkineni got engaged to Zainab Ravdjee, an artist and perfumer. The duo got engaged in November last year. The wedding date is said to be locked now. Akhil Akkineni will tie the knot to Zainab on 24th March. It would be a grand wedding and the families are in plans to invite all the celebrities, businessmen and others from various industries.
Zainab is a painter and former actress from Hyderabad. She is known for her abstract paintings, which have been featured in exhibitions in Hyderabad and Dubai. After a debacle like Agent, Akhil Akkineni has been on a break for over a year. He recently commenced the shoot of his next film in the direction of Murali Kishor Abburu. The film is said to be a Rayalaseema based love story. Sree Leela is rumored to play the leading lady and Annapurna Studios are the producers. The film which is yet to be titled will release this year.