Telugu girl Sreeleela created a splash on her debut and she went on a signing spree. After delivering a series of flops and taking up criticism, Sreeleela turned choosy. But after shaking her leg with Allu Arjun in Pushpa 2: The Rule, the Telugu beauty is rushed with opportunities and she is in a hurry again. Sreeleela even hiked her fee and she is working without breaks. She is bothered about taking on every project and she has no thoughts about balancing the dates and completing the work on time.
If the latest rumors are to be believed, the actress has to allocate more than 20 days for Ravi Teja’s Mass Jathara and she has given bulk dates for a Tamil film. Sreeleela has no time for Mass Jathara and she asked the producers to wait till April. The team is in plans to replace her as the shoot of the film is getting delayed. Sreeleela has shot for the film for 12 days till now. The makers are puzzled as they have to reshoot her portions again. Sreeleela is also committed for Akhil’s film and it is unclear about her dates for the project. The team too is in search of another actress as there is a clash with the dates of Sreeleela. The actress has to wake up and plan her schedules accordingly instead of creating a mess and delay the shoots.