Emotions took over Jansen Chief Pawan Kalyan over the death of former TDP MLA, a senior politician from Nellore, Anam Vivekananda Reddy. In a press release, Pawan Kalyan has expressed his condolences towards Anam family, and prayed for his soul to rest in peace.
‘We share a great bonding with Anam’s family. My mother hails from Nellore, and she is considered as a family member in Anam’s family. He was elected to the Legislative Assembly thrice (1999, 2004, and 2009, and fought for the upliftment of the vulnerable, deprived, and poor sections of the society. Anam is known as the leader of the masses.
On behalf of Janasena Party, a senior politician and Janasena Political Advisor & Convener Madasu Gangadhar will be taking part in Anam Vivekananda Reddy’s funeral. The Janasena activists will pay their tributes.
I deeply extend my condolences to Anam’s family personally, and on behalf of Janasena party’, read the press release from Pawan Kalyan.
Anam Vivekananda Reddy is survived by his wife and two sons. His elder son, Chenchu Subba Reddy, lost in 2014 elections after contesting as a Congress Candidate, while his younger son, Mayur Reddy is serving as a corporator.