As per reports Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan’s office staff received threatening calls and messages from an unknown person. The caller issued death threats and sent intimidating messages using offensive language. Office staff immediately brought these threats to the Deputy Chief Minister’s attention. Senior police officials were promptly alerted about these threatening communications.
History of Attacks
In April 2024, Pawan Kalyan reported an attack where individuals targeted him with sharp blades during a public gathering. The incident raised serious concerns about his security and suggested possible involvement of rival political groups. During the previous YSRCP government’s tenure, he faced multiple security threats and physical confrontations at public events.
In 2017 authorities arrested a YS Jaganmohan Reddy supporter for issuing death threats against Kalyan through a viral video. The threats were reportedly linked to Kalyan’s criticism of the YSR Congress Party.
During the YSRCP regime, Pawan Kalyan reported receiving direct threats from individuals claiming they would harm him if directed by then Chief Minister Jaganmohan Reddy.
Following the recent threats, authorities are reviewing security arrangements for the Deputy Chief Minister. Police officials are investigating the source of threatening calls and messages. The incident has prompted discussions about upgrading his security to Z+ category with central forces protection.