Tamil actor Dhanush has been cementing his place in Telugu and Hindi languages. He worked with Venky Atluri in Sir and he is shooting for Sekhar Kammula’s Kubera in Telugu. For these films, he has charged big remunerations when compared to his pay in Tamil. While most of the Tamil producers are not offering big pay for Dhanush, he is working with Telugu producers or producing films on his own banner. He is also busy directing back-to-back films in Tamil.
He is in talks with a young producer for his next Telugu film. Venky Atluri is on board to direct this project and Dhanush’s quote of remuneration left the producer in shock. Dhanush is demanding Rs 60 crores remuneration which is quite high. The makers are tightlipped about this and they are left puzzled about the project. Tollywood producers are impressing Tamil actors with high paychecks. Even Dulquer Salman who has a small market is demanding big money when it comes to Telugu films. Tollywood producers have started this trend and Dhanush is now demanding the highest ever pay which may not be possible.