Natural Star Nani is the most successful Tollywood actor in the recent times. Along with critical acclaim, all his recent offerings have made good money. The actor has his diary full for the next couple of years. He is very busy promoting his upcoming movie Saripodhaa Sanivaaram that is due for release this Friday. As per the ongoing buzz, Nani is in talks with critically acclaimed director Deva Katta. The talented director hasn’t delivered a hit in the recent years. His last film Republic released three years ago and it ended up as a disaster.

Deva Katta has been a close friend for Nani for years and he is now in talks for a film. For now, it is unclear if Nani will play the lead role in Deva Katta’s next or if he will produce the film on Wall Poster Cinema. An official announcement will be made soon. Nani has HIT 3 in the direction of Sailesh Kolanu, Srikanth Odela’s untitled action drama, Sujeeth’s action entertainer and TJ Gnanavel’s film. He is packed for the next two years. It would be a long wait for Deva Katta as he is idle since three years.

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