With the theatres shut and movie releases pushed, the Telugu film lovers will now have to rely on the digital platforms for entertainment. Pawan Kalyan’s comeback film Vakeel Saab is streaming on Amazon Prime from today and this will keep trending for the weekend. Karthi’s recent offering Sulthan is now streaming on Aha and this makes a decent watch during the weekend. Sundeep Kishna’s recent offering A1 Express streams from May 1st on Sun Nxt.
Nithiin’s recent offerings Check and Rang De will stream on OTTs this month and the official streaming dates will be announced soon. Rana Daggubati’s Aranya too will be out on a digital platform in a week or two. Manchu Vishnu’s Mosagallu will have its digital release this month. Along with these, a bunch of small films and dubbed movies will start streaming on various digital platforms in the month of May to keep the audience entertained.
Apart from these, there are a lot of digital shows and web series on top digital platforms Netflix and Amazon. The film lovers and audience will have a treat in the summer this year and they will have to rely on the digital platforms for major entertainment during the second wave of coronavirus.