Top producer Dil Raju is betting big on Game Changer featuring Ram Charan in the lead role. The film directed by Shankar is hitting the screens on January 10th across the globe. Powerstar Pawan Kalyan will be the Chief Guest for the grand pre-release event of Game Changer and Dil Raju announced this during an event in Vijayawada last night. Dil Raju is expected to meet Pawan Kalyan today and discuss his availability to celebrate the pre-release event. He sought the appointment of Pawan today and he is expected to meet the Deputy Chief Minister of AP to discuss about the event. He is currently waiting in Vijayawada for the appointment.
Dil Raju is also expected to discuss about the hike in ticket prices and permission for extra shows for the film during the Sankranthi holiday season. The AP government is expected to grant all the permissions. Dil Raju is releasing two of his films Game Changer and Sankranthiki Vastunnam during the holiday season. Balakrishna’s Daaku Maharaaj is the other release during the holiday season.