An unidentified drone flying over the under-construction camp office of Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan in Mangalagiri has raised serious concerns among Jana Sena Party leaders and officials. The incident occurred around 1:30 PM today, prompting immediate action from Pawan Kalyan’s office staff, who filed a complaint with the Director General of Police (DGP), District Collector, and Superintendent of Police citing security reasons.
This incident has added to the growing unease within the Jana Sena ranks, especially in light of recent security breaches involving Pawan Kalyan. During a recent visit to Manyam, fake IPS officers created a stir, and earlier, during the Vijayawada Book Festival, a power outage occurred near Pawan’s stall. The latest drone sighting has further fueled suspicions about potential threats to the Deputy CM’s safety.
AP Police have launched an investigation to identify the operators of the drone and their motives. Authorities are reviewing CCTV footage from the camp office and nearby national highways to gather more information.