The famed Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam (TTD) received Rs 1365 Cr Hundi collections in 2024 year, as total 2.55 Cr devotees visited the sacred pilgrimage place to have Darshan of Lord Sri Venkateswara Swamy.
TTD authorities released the important data relating to 2024, as the year ended, highlighting the popularity of Tirumala Tirupati temple.
Tirumala temple has been an important pilgrim place for Hindus across the globe and devotees visit the temple in large numbers all through the year. Devotees are so enamored by the Tirumala, about 99 lakh devotees, have tonsured their heads, as devotional offering to Lord Srinavasa.
We all know how famous Tirupati laddoo is. Devotees not just see Tirupati Laddus as sacred but also relish them for their taste. Inspite of controversies over Laddoo prasadam last year, the famed sweet offering, still has huge demand from devotees. Total 12.14 Cr Laddoos were sold by TTD authorities in 2024.
The Anna Prasadam offered at Tirumala also saw huge numbers, as total 6.30 Cr devotees had Anna Prasadam at Tirumala.
These statistics prove the evergreen and endearing love of devotees towards Tirumala Tirupati.