It’s been quite a long time since Bellamkonda Sreenivas’ film released in theatres. He impressed the audience as a police officer in Rakshasudu. Later his films turned out to be a big disappointments at the box office. His last release was Alludu Adhurs in 2021. The actor was busy with his Bollywood project in VV Vinayak’s direction, which is an official remake of Prabhas’ Chatrapathi. The film did not create much buzz in Bollywood and the makers finally are heading towards an OTT release.
Sreenivas is planning for a bigger one this time. The actor finalized a film with Bheemla Nayak director Sagar Chandra. 14 Reels Plus will produce this film and expect to shoot the film in March. The official announcement regarding the film is expected to be out soon.