After watching his yesteryear film Satya in theatres, Ram Gopal Varma penned a long emotional note about his recent failures and how he has ignored cinema. He announced SYNDICATE, a big attempt planned on a massive budget. RGV seems to have been quite serious about the film. We have some exclusive updates about the cast. Ram Gopal Varma has approached legendary actors of Indian cinema for the film and he almost got a positive nod from all of them. Legendary actor Amitabh Bachchan will play a prominent role and it would be like an extended cameo. He also allocated ten days for the film.
Tollywood actor Victory Venkatesh is in talks for one of the lead roles in the film and his portions will be completed in 35 days. Malayalam critically acclaimed actor Fahadh Faasil too is in talks for an important role and the talks are going on. Manoj Bajpayee and Anurag Kashyap have given their nods for other important roles. SYNDICATE will start rolling from the mid of February and a top Bollywood production house will produce the film. More details will be announced soon officially.