Prime Minister Narendra Modi made his first fullscale visit to Andhra Pradesh state on Wednesday after swearing in as Prime Minister of India for the third time. Though he attended swearing in ceremony of CM Chandrababu Naidu in June, no public meeting was planned then.
Thus, today’s PM visit to the state which has given unprecedented majority to NDA, made it a special one. Launching of various development projects worth Rs 2.08 Lakh Crore, made it a landmark visit from governance point of view.
PM launched the landmark Green Hydrogen Hub project at Vishakapatnam with a outlay of whopping Rs 1.85 lakh crore. He has also launched South Coast Railway Zone (Vishaka Railway Zone), the long pending demand of Andhra people.
While PM Narendra Modi received a thunderous applause and warmth from Vishakapatnam people in public rally, his allies Chandrababu Naidu and Pawan Kalyan heaped praise on him, assigning him a Godly status. Especially the speech of Chandrababu Naidu has floored Narendra Modi, as AP CM eulogised PM Modi as a ‘Global leader’.
Profusely thanking PM Narendra Modi for lending all possible support for Andhra Pradesh, CM Nara Chandrababu Naidu said, “Liberalisation started in 1991. I was the first to leverage the reforms and develop IT. Also demographic dividend came as a windfall. But only one Prime Minister is utilizing the opportunities properly turning India into a global leader. Narendra Modi is the right leader for India at the right time,” proclaimed Chandrababu Naidu, highlighting PM Modi’s initiatives for India’s growth.
Calling Narendra Modi ‘Sir’ and personally referring to PM in his speech, Chandrababu explained how PM Modi came up with innovative and decisive decisions, when AP CM approached him in certain matters.
“I am always inspired by you. Your school and my school is same,” said Chandrababu Naidu, personally pointing out to Namo in the public meeting speech.
Hinting that Narendra Modi has surpassed all Prime Ministers of India in achievements and popularity, AP CM Chandrababu declared PM Narendra Modi as the tallest leader among world leaders, calling him ‘the global leader’.
When CM Chandrababu Naidu was showering praises on him, PM Modi kept smiling and acknowledged TDP supremo’s remarks with Namastes.
PM Narendra Modi, being the master communicator replied back to fanboy Chandrababu’s glorious speech by saying, “Today Chandrababu Naidu hit all ‘sixers’ in his speech. I respect the spirit of his words. I promise AP people that I’m with you to achieve your dreams as envisioned by AP CM.”
That made the day for both Prime Minister Narendra Modi and AP CM Nara Chandrababu Naidu.