Once used to be favorite to all the leading directors in Tollywood, the award-winning actor Prakash Raj is now struggling to find work. The filmmakers have moved to work with a wide variety of talents. Jagapathi Babu, Sathyaraj, Rao Ramesh, Samuthirakani and others have replaced Prakash Raj for character or villain roles. Directors now have a bouquet of choices unlike in the past. Thus Prakash Raj has lost the clout.
Earlier producers feared to raise a voice against his starry tantrums and used to heed to all his unreasonable demands on the sets. But today, Prakash Raj doesn’t enjoy such star status.
A classic example is a recent incident on the sets of Balakrishna’s ‘Ruler’. Prakash Raj tried to show highhandedness when a shot is getting delayed. He scolded the cameraman and the cinematographer retorted in strong words. He told Prakash Raj to leave the film if he has any problem. But Prakash Raj meekly remained silent and started working. What a change!
It is good for the industry and it also augurs well for his career.
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