Top Tamil actors like Rajinikanth, Kamal Haasan, Suriya, Karthi, Vijay, Vikram, Vishal, Dhanush and others also own a decent to great market across the Telugu states. All their films have a grand release in Telugu. With Telugu states battling with floods and heavy rains, several Telugu stars have done their part and donated for the cause. None of the star actors from Tamil cinema responded about the situation or donated for the flood victims of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Tamil actor Simbu who has no market in Telugu has donated Rs 6 lakhs for the Chief Minister Relief Fund of Telugu states. This has to be appreciated.

Simbu has been focused on Tamil films and none of his recent solo films had a theatrical release in AP or Telangana. Still, the actor donated for the flood victims. Actors like Kamal Haasan, Vijay, Dhanush and others are even working with Telugu directors and producers. Leave about the donations, they did not even respond when the Telugu states were battling with floods. Sad moment.

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