Forget Indian ranking, AP varsities to aim global ranking


Though none of the state universities figure nowhere near the top ranks in the recently released rankings by HRD ministry, Andhra Pradesh government instructed all state universities to apply for International ranking. State government today set up a high-level committee to guide these universities and monitor their efforts to achieve international ranking- QS International Ranking. QS stands for Quacquarelli Symonds, an agency set up in 1990 to provide quality education information. It started giving ranking to world universities 2004. Andhra Pradesh state government today directed all the major universities to apply and get QS ranking. Since Andhra University applied for and attained rankings in, QS International Ranking and Times Higher Education Ranking in 2015,the government wants all other universities follow suit.

This year Andhra University has been advised to re-apply for International Rankings. And all other major universities, Acharya Nagarjuna University, JNTU-Kakinada, JNTU-Anantapur, Sri Padmavati Mahila Vishwavidyalaya, Sri Venkateswara University and Sri Krishna Devaraya University, have also been advised to apply for International Ranking. A Special Cell has been set up in the Higher Education department to drive the Project.

The members of the cell are : G. Kannamdas (Joint Secretary ,Higher Education) , J.K.C. Srinivas (Chief Coordinator, Commissioner of Collegiate Education), Venugopal (Academic Officer, Commissioner of Collegiate Education) , Prachi ( Consultant, Higher Education Department),. Rana – Consultant, Higher Education Department) , Akshay Jain – Consultant, Financial & Economic Analysis Division, Finance Department).

The members will monitor the project for International Ranking for A.P State Universities to make A.P an education city / knowledge Hub and also to coordinate with the Universities to ensure that the action be taken as per plan & targets.How do they achieve ranking without addressing the chronic problems of the university. However, all state universities suffer from absence regular teaching staff as per the guidelines. They are plagued by shortage of funds, lack of standard teaching and libraries, etc. Many departments are run with contract lecturers or research scholars.

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